113學年度第1學期 課程表
系所別: 地震研究所

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年級編號 班別科目名稱 任課教授上課時數
學分選必 上課時間上課地點 限修人數 開課學制 課程大綱 備註
1 2155011 01 地震學
温士忠 3
3 必修 五3,4,5 地震館301 0 碩博合開 link 碩士班必修
1 2155051 01 地球物理數學(一)
Geophysical Mathematics (I)
陳映年 3
3 選修 二4,5,6 地震館304 0 碩士班課程 link 開放大三四選修
1 2155053 01 逆推理論
Inverse Theory
陳映年 3
3 選修 五10,11,12 地震館304 0 碩博合開 link
1 2155061 01 地體動力學
王維豪 3
3 選修 二E,F 地震館305 0 碩博合開 link
1 2155091 01 書報討論(一)
Seminar (I)
王維豪 2
1 必修 三10,11 地震館301 0 碩士班課程 link 碩士班必修/M.S Required Course;書報討論須依順序修課,開課安排為上學期開設書報討論(一)(三),下學期開設書報討論(二)(四)。若有特殊情形得不按順序,惟須事先通知系辦並經本系同意。Seminar must be taken in order. The course schedule is that Seminar (I) and Seminar (III) will be offered in the first semester, and Seminar (II) and Seminar (IV) will be offered in the second semester. If there are special circumstances where the order may not be followed, the department office must be notified in advance and the department must agree.
1 2155093 01 書報討論(三)
Seminar (III)
王維豪 2
1 必修 三12,13 地震館301 0 碩士班課程 link 碩士班必修/M.S Required Course;書報討論須依順序修課,開課安排為上學期開設書報討論(一)(三),下學期開設書報討論(二)(四)。若有特殊情形得不按順序,惟須事先通知系辦並經本系同意。Seminar must be taken in order. The course schedule is that Seminar (I) and Seminar (III) will be offered in the first semester, and Seminar (II) and Seminar (IV) will be offered in the second semester. If there are special circumstances where the order may not be followed, the department office must be notified in advance and the department must agree.
1 2155096 01 地震地質
The Geology of Earthquake
郭昱廷 3
3 選修 三3,4,5 地震館304 0 碩博合開 link
1 2155103 01 電腦製圖與應用
Computer charting and application
郭昱廷 3
3 選修 二E,F 地震館303 0 碩士班課程 link 開放大三四選修
1 2157001 01 地震電磁學
陳宏嘉 3
3 選修 四3,4,5 地震館304 0 碩博合開 link
1 2158000 01 書報討論(一)
Seminar (I):Advanced
劉台生 2
1 必修 三7,8 地震館305 0 博士班課程 link 博士班必修/Ph.D. Required Course;書報討論須依順序修課,開課安排為上學期開設書報討論(一)(三),下學期開設書報討論(二)(四)。若有特殊情形得不按順序,惟須事先通知系辦並經本系同意。Seminar must be taken in order. The course schedule is that Seminar (I) and Seminar (III) will be offered in the first semester, and Seminar (II) and Seminar (IV) will be offered in the second semester. If there are special circumstances where the order may not be followed, the department office must be notified in advance and the department must agree.
1 2158002 01 書報討論(三)
Seminar (III):Advanced
趙鴻椿 2
1 必修 三9,10 地震館305 0 博士班課程 link 博士班必修/Ph.D. Required Course;書報討論須依順序修課,開課安排為上學期開設書報討論(一)(三),下學期開設書報討論(二)(四)。若有特殊情形得不按順序,惟須事先通知系辦並經本系同意。Seminar must be taken in order. The course schedule is that Seminar (I) and Seminar (III) will be offered in the first semester, and Seminar (II) and Seminar (IV) will be offered in the second semester. If there are special circumstances where the order may not be followed, the department office must be notified in advance and the department must agree.
1 2159996 01 噪訊地震學原理
Ambient Noise Seismology
陳映年 3
3 選修 一4,5,6 地震館304 0 碩博合開 link
