CCU Course Lists in Fall Semester of 2024
Center for General Education

Course time table
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Category(old)Category(new) Course ID Class Course Title Instructor Hours per week
Credit Credit type Day/Period Classroom Student Limit Syllabus Remarks(Might contain Chinese due to course remarks which cannot be translated afterwards)
1中國語文知識與應用 7101136 01 College Chinese: Modern Literature
Yu-Hong Ma 2
2 Gen Edu Tue.2,3 Common Class Building201 50 link 48 preserved for 1st graders.第一階段限大一新生選修,第二階段開放全部年級學生選修;中文系學生不得選修;大三以上之學生,若尚未修習完「中文閱讀與生命書寫」,請於開學後至選課系統選修「大學國文」課程,以補足通識國文學分。
1中國語文知識與應用 7101136 02 College Chinese: Modern Literature
Yu-Hong Ma 2
2 Gen Edu Tue.10,11 Common Class Building201 50 link 48 preserved for 1st graders.第一階段限大一新生選修,第二階段開放全部年級學生選修;中文系學生不得選修;大三以上之學生,若尚未修習完「中文閱讀與生命書寫」,請於開學後至選課系統選修「大學國文」課程,以補足通識國文學分。
1中國語文知識與應用 7101137 01 College Chinese: Selected Readings of Modern classic Novels
Po-Chien Chen 2
2 Gen Edu Mon.2,3 Common Class Building203 50 link 48 preserved for 1st graders.第一階段限大一新生選修,第二階段開放全部年級學生選修;中文系學生不得選修;大三以上之學生,若尚未修習完「中文閱讀與生命書寫」,請於開學後至選課系統選修「大學國文」課程,以補足通識國文學分。
1中國語文知識與應用 7101137 02 College Chinese: Selected Readings of Modern classic Novels
Po-Chien Chen 2
2 Gen Edu Mon.10,11 Common Class Building203 50 link 48 preserved for 1st graders.第一階段限大一新生選修,第二階段開放全部年級學生選修;中文系學生不得選修;大三以上之學生,若尚未修習完「中文閱讀與生命書寫」,請於開學後至選課系統選修「大學國文」課程,以補足通識國文學分。
1中國語文知識與應用 7101138 01 College Chinese: Selected Readings in Myth of the Pre-Qin Dynasty
Hou-Jen Chen 2
2 Gen Edu Mon.2,3 Common Class Building204 50 link 48 preserved for 1st graders.第一階段限大一新生選修,第二階段開放全部年級學生選修;中文系學生不得選修;大三以上之學生,若尚未修習完「中文閱讀與生命書寫」,請於開學後至選課系統選修「大學國文」課程,以補足通識國文學分。
1中國語文知識與應用 7101138 02 College Chinese: Selected Readings in Myth of the Pre-Qin Dynasty
Hou-Jen Chen 2
2 Gen Edu Mon.10,11 Common Class Building204 50 link 48 preserved for 1st graders.第一階段限大一新生選修,第二階段開放全部年級學生選修;中文系學生不得選修;大三以上之學生,若尚未修習完「中文閱讀與生命書寫」,請於開學後至選課系統選修「大學國文」課程,以補足通識國文學分。
1中國語文知識與應用 7101139 01 College Chinese: The Story of the Stone
Chen I Ken 2
2 Gen Edu Tue.2,3 Common Class Building205 50 link 48 preserved for 1st graders.第一階段限大一新生選修,第二階段開放全部年級學生選修;中文系學生不得選修;大三以上之學生,若尚未修習完「中文閱讀與生命書寫」,請於開學後至選課系統選修「大學國文」課程,以補足通識國文學分。
1中國語文知識與應用 7101140 01 College Chinese: Narrative Literature and Life
Pei-Ching Liao 2
2 Gen Edu Thur.2,3 Common Class Building201 50 link 48 preserved for 1st graders.第一階段限大一新生選修,第二階段開放全部年級學生選修;中文系學生不得選修;大三以上之學生,若尚未修習完「中文閱讀與生命書寫」,請於開學後至選課系統選修「大學國文」課程,以補足通識國文學分。
1中國語文知識與應用 7101140 02 College Chinese: Narrative Literature and Life
Pei-Ching Liao 2
2 Gen Edu Thur.10,11 Common Class Building201 50 link 48 preserved for 1st graders.第一階段限大一新生選修,第二階段開放全部年級學生選修;中文系學生不得選修;大三以上之學生,若尚未修習完「中文閱讀與生命書寫」,請於開學後至選課系統選修「大學國文」課程,以補足通識國文學分。
1中國語文知識與應用 7101141 01 College Chinese: I Ching
Hsiang-Jen Tsai 2
2 Gen Edu Wed.2,3 Common Class Building206 50 link 48 preserved for 1st graders.第一階段限大一新生選修,第二階段開放全部年級學生選修;中文系學生不得選修;大三以上之學生,若尚未修習完「中文閱讀與生命書寫」,請於開學後至選課系統選修「大學國文」課程,以補足通識國文學分。
1中國語文知識與應用 7101142 01 College Chinese: Zuo Chuan
Hsiang-Jen Tsai 2
2 Gen Edu Thur.2,3 Common Class Building206 50 link 48 preserved for 1st graders.第一階段限大一新生選修,第二階段開放全部年級學生選修;中文系學生不得選修;大三以上之學生,若尚未修習完「中文閱讀與生命書寫」,請於開學後至選課系統選修「大學國文」課程,以補足通識國文學分。
1中國語文知識與應用 7101142 02 College Chinese: Zuo Chuan
Hsiang-Jen Tsai 2
2 Gen Edu Thur.10,11 Common Class Building206 50 link 48 preserved for 1st graders.第一階段限大一新生選修,第二階段開放全部年級學生選修;中文系學生不得選修;大三以上之學生,若尚未修習完「中文閱讀與生命書寫」,請於開學後至選課系統選修「大學國文」課程,以補足通識國文學分。
1中國語文知識與應用 7101143 01 College Chinese: Know and appreciate in Chinese Traditional Opera
Po-Hsun,Lu 2
2 Gen Edu Wed.10,11 College of Humanities103 50 link 48 preserved for 1st graders. ,Included in Program of Drama, Creativity and Artistic Visions第一階段限大一新生選修,第二階段開放全部年級學生選修;中文系學生不得選修;大三以上之學生,若尚未修習完「中文閱讀與生命書寫」,請於開學後至選課系統選修「大學國文」課程,以補足通識國文學分。
1中國語文知識與應用 7101144 01 College Chinese: Popular novels during the Japanese occupation
Chun-Chuan Liang 2
2 Gen Edu Mon.2,3 Common Class Building201 50 link 48 preserved for 1st graders.第一階段限大一新生選修,第二階段開放全部年級學生選修;中文系學生不得選修;大三以上之學生,若尚未修習完「中文閱讀與生命書寫」,請於開學後至選課系統選修「大學國文」課程,以補足通識國文學分。
1中國語文知識與應用 7101144 02 College Chinese: Popular novels during the Japanese occupation
Chun-Chuan Liang 2
2 Gen Edu Mon.10,11 Common Class Building201 50 link 48 preserved for 1st graders.第一階段限大一新生選修,第二階段開放全部年級學生選修;中文系學生不得選修;大三以上之學生,若尚未修習完「中文閱讀與生命書寫」,請於開學後至選課系統選修「大學國文」課程,以補足通識國文學分。
1中國語文知識與應用 7101146 01 College Chinese: Language Creation and Cultural Creation Marketing
Ye, Shu-Shan 2
2 Gen Edu Fri.2,3 Common Class Building202 50 link 48 preserved for 1st graders.第一階段限大一新生選修,第二階段開放全部年級學生選修;中文系學生不得選修;大三以上之學生,若尚未修習完「中文閱讀與生命書寫」,請於開學後至選課系統選修「大學國文」課程,以補足通識國文學分。
1中國語文知識與應用 7101150 01 College Chinese: Chinese Character Culture and Ancient Civilization
Hou-Jen Chen 2
2 Gen Edu Tue.10,11 Common Class Building204 50 link 48 preserved for 1st graders.第一階段限大一新生選修,第二階段開放全部年級學生選修;中文系學生不得選修;大三以上之學生,若尚未修習完「中文閱讀與生命書寫」,請於開學後至選課系統選修「大學國文」課程,以補足通識國文學分。
1中國語文知識與應用 7101151 01 College Chinese: The Ethics of Animation
Chen I Ken 2
2 Gen Edu Mon.2,3 Common Class Building205 50 link 48 preserved for 1st graders.第一階段限大一新生選修,第二階段開放全部年級學生選修;中文系學生不得選修;大三以上之學生,若尚未修習完「中文閱讀與生命書寫」,請於開學後至選課系統選修「大學國文」課程,以補足通識國文學分。
1中國語文知識與應用 7101152 01 College Chinese: Buddhist Literature and Life Writing
Mei-Chen Chung 2
2 Gen Edu Tue.10,11 Common Class Building208 50 link 48 preserved for 1st graders.第一階段限大一新生選修,第二階段開放全部年級學生選修;中文系學生不得選修;大三以上之學生,若尚未修習完「中文閱讀與生命書寫」,請於開學後至選課系統選修「大學國文」課程,以補足通識國文學分。
1中國語文知識與應用 7101152 02 College Chinese: Buddhist Literature and Life Writing
Mei-Chen Chung 2
2 Gen Edu Thur.2,3 Common Class Building208 50 link 48 preserved for 1st graders.第一階段限大一學生選修,第二階段開放全部年級學生選修;中文系學生不得選修;大三以上之學生,若尚未修習完「中文閱讀與生命書寫」,請於開學後至選課系統選修「大學國文」課程,以補足通識國文學分。
1中國語文知識與應用 7101155 01 College Chinese: Writing and Cultural Innovation in Chayi
Bau-Chai Chiang Chin,Ju-non 2
2 Gen Edu Thur.10,11 College of Humanities103 50 link 48 preserved for 1st graders. ,Included in Indigenous Intangible Cultural Heritage and Creative Application Program第一階段限大一新生選修,第二階段開放全部年級學生選修;中文系學生不得選修;大三以上之學生,若尚未修習完「中文閱讀與生命書寫」,請於開學後至選課系統選修「大學國文」課程,以補足通識國文學分。
1中國語文知識與應用 7101157 01 College Chinese: Classical Literature and History of Taiwan before the Japanese Colonial Rule
Chun-Chuan Liang 2
2 Gen Edu Fri.2,3 Common Class Building201 50 link 48 preserved for 1st graders.第一階段限大一新生選修,第二階段開放全部年級學生選修;中文系學生不得選修;大三以上之學生,若尚未修習完「中文閱讀與生命書寫」,請於開學後至選課系統選修「大學國文」課程,以補足通識國文學分。
1中國語文知識與應用 7101161 01 College Chinese: Writing Cross-Genre Stories
Su, Heng-I 2
2 Gen Edu Thur.10,11 Common Class Building205 50 link 48 preserved for 1st graders.第一階段限大一學生選修,第二階段開放全部年級學生選修;中文系學生不得選修;大三以上之學生,若尚未修習完「中文閱讀與生命書寫」,請於開學後至選課系統選修「大學國文」課程,以補足通識國文學分。
1中國語文知識與應用 7101162 01 College Chinese: Selected Readings in Classical Novel
Ying-Ching Lee 2
2 Gen Edu Mon.10,11 Common Class Building202 50 link 48 preserved for 1st graders.第一階段限大一新生選修,第二階段開放全部年級學生選修;中文系學生不得選修;大三以上之學生,若尚未修習完「中文閱讀與生命書寫」,請於開學後至選課系統選修「大學國文」課程,以補足通識國文學分。
1中國語文知識與應用 7101162 02 College Chinese: Selected Readings in Classical Novel
Ying-Ching Lee 2
2 Gen Edu Thur.10,11 Common Class Building202 50 link 48 preserved for 1st graders.第一階段限大一新生選修,第二階段開放全部年級學生選修;中文系學生不得選修;大三以上之學生,若尚未修習完「中文閱讀與生命書寫」,請於開學後至選課系統選修「大學國文」課程,以補足通識國文學分。
1中國語文知識與應用 7101167 01 College Chinese:Reading Poetry and Writing in Chinese Calligraphy
Yu-Hong Ma 2
2 Gen Edu Wed.2,3 Common Class Building201 50 link 48 preserved for 1st graders.第一階段限大一新生選修,第二階段開放全部年級學生選修;中文系學生不得選修;大三以上之學生,若尚未修習完「中文閱讀與生命書寫」,請於開學後至選課系統選修「大學國文」課程,以補足通識國文學分。
1中國語文知識與應用 7101171 01 College Chinese: Learning to Write Popular Articles Across Disciplines
Su, Heng-I 2
2 Gen Edu Wed.2,3 Common Class Building205 50 link 48 preserved for 1st graders.第一階段限大一學生選修,第二階段開放全部年級學生選修;中文系學生不得選修;大三以上之學生,若尚未修習完「中文閱讀與生命書寫」,請於開學後至選課系統選修「大學國文」課程,以補足通識國文學分。
1中國語文知識與應用 7101171 02 College Chinese: Learning to Write Popular Articles Across Disciplines
Su, Heng-I 2
2 Gen Edu Wed.10,11 Common Class Building205 50 link 48 preserved for 1st graders.第一階段限大一學生選修,第二階段開放全部年級學生選修;中文系學生不得選修;大三以上之學生,若尚未修習完「中文閱讀與生命書寫」,請於開學後至選課系統選修「大學國文」課程,以補足通識國文學分。
1中國語文知識與應用 7101173 01 College Chinese: Selected Readings in Chuanqi (Tales) and Drama
Po-Chien Chen 2
2 Gen Edu Tue.2,3 Common Class Building203 50 link 48 preserved for 1st graders. ,Included in Program of Drama, Creativity and Artistic Visions第一階段限大一新生選修,第二階段開放全部年級學生選修;中文系學生不得選修;大三以上之學生,若尚未修習完「中文閱讀與生命書寫」,請於開學後至選課系統選修「大學國文」課程,以補足通識國文學分。
1中國語文知識與應用 7101174 01 College Chinese: Buddhist Biographical Literature
Mei-Chen Chung 2
2 Gen Edu Fri.2,3 Common Class Building208 50 link 48 preserved for 1st graders.第一階段限大一新生選修,第二階段開放全部年級學生選修;中文系學生不得選修;大三以上之學生,若尚未修習完「中文閱讀與生命書寫」,請於開學後至選課系統選修「大學國文」課程,以補足通識國文學分。
1中國語文知識與應用 7101175 01 College Chinese: Basic Chinese Class for Foreign Students
Chen I Ken 2
2 Gen Edu Mon.10,11 Common Class Building205 50 link 50 preserved for 1st graders.本課程係為母語非中文之外籍生開設之僑外專班,需於開學後第二階段選課時透過加簽方式進行選課。
1中國語文知識與應用 7101178 01 College Chinese: Chinese Character and Ancient Divination
張育州 2
2 Gen Edu Tue.2,3 Common Class Building202 50 link 48 preserved for 1st graders.第一階段限大一新生選修,第二階段開放全部年級學生選修;中文系學生不得選修;大三以上之學生,若尚未修習完「中文閱讀與生命書寫」,請於開學後至選課系統選修「大學國文」課程,以補足通識國文學分。
1中國語文知識與應用 7101178 02 College Chinese: Chinese Character and Ancient Divination
張育州 2
2 Gen Edu Wed.2,3 Common Class Building202 50 link 48 preserved for 1st graders.第一階段限大一學生選修,第二階段開放全部年級學生選修;中文系學生不得選修;大三以上之學生,若尚未修習完「中文閱讀與生命書寫」,請於開學後至選課系統選修「大學國文」課程,以補足通識國文學分。
1中國語文知識與應用 7101179 01 College Chinese: Zhuang-zi (The Philosophy of Zhuang-zi)
Wei Ling Su 2
2 Gen Edu Tue.10,11 Common Class Building213 50 link 48 preserved for 1st graders.第一階段限大一學生選修,第二階段開放全部年級學生選修;中文系學生不得選修;大三以上之學生,若尚未修習完「中文閱讀與生命書寫」,請於開學後至選課系統選修「大學國文」課程,以補足通識國文學分。
1英文能力訓練 7102111 01 Practical English Usage (Pre-intermediate Level)
Kang, Huei-ching 2
2 Gen Edu Tue.2,3 Language CenterLanguage Classroom 224 40 link 37 preserved for 1st graders. ,Included in Global Elite Program1)本課程為大一通識必修(第1學期實用、第2學期應用,各需選修1門),第一階段每班開放3個名額供大二以上選修;2)限英文程度認定為「基礎班」者選修;3)第1次上課務必出席;4)新生若自行退選預載課程再選課,則由系統進行額滿篩選;5)外文系生不得選修;7)聯合國永續發展(SDGs)對應目標:4.4-4.7。*Attendance at the first class session is mandatory. Students must attend the first class session to complete the placement test.
1英文能力訓練 7102111 02 Practical English Usage (Pre-intermediate Level)
Lai, Yu-Ning 2
2 Gen Edu Tue.10,11 Language CenterLanguage Classroom 225 40 link 37 preserved for 1st graders. ,Included in Global Elite Program1)本課程為大一通識必修(第1學期實用、第2學期應用,各需選修1門),第一階段每班開放3個名額供大二以上選修;2)限英文程度認定為「基礎班」者選修;3)第1次上課務必出席;4)新生若自行退選預載課程再選課,則由系統進行額滿篩選;5)外文系生不得選修;7)聯合國永續發展(SDGs)對應目標:4.4-4.7。*Attendance at the first class session is mandatory. Students must attend the first class session to complete the placement test.
1英文能力訓練 7102111 03 Practical English Usage (Pre-intermediate Level)
Kang, Huei-ching 2
2 Gen Edu Wed.2,3 Language CenterLanguage Classroom 224 40 link 37 preserved for 1st graders. ,Included in Global Elite Program1)本課程為大一通識必修(第1學期實用、第2學期應用,各需選修1門),第一階段每班開放3個名額供大二以上選修;2)限英文程度認定為「基礎班」者選修;3)第1次上課務必出席;4)新生若自行退選預載課程再選課,則由系統進行額滿篩選;5)外文系生不得選修;7)聯合國永續發展(SDGs)對應目標:4.4-4.7。*Attendance at the first class session is mandatory. Students must attend the first class session to complete the placement test.
1英文能力訓練 7102111 04 Practical English Usage (Pre-intermediate Level)
Kang, Huei-ching 2
2 Gen Edu Thur.2,3 Language CenterLanguage Classroom 224 40 link 37 preserved for 1st graders. ,Included in Global Elite Program1)本課程為大一通識必修(第1學期實用、第2學期應用,各需選修1門),第一階段每班開放3個名額供大二以上選修;2)限英文程度認定為「基礎班」者選修;3)第1次上課務必出席;4)新生若自行退選預載課程再選課,則由系統進行額滿篩選;5)外文系生不得選修;7)聯合國永續發展(SDGs)對應目標:4.4-4.7。*Attendance at the first class session is mandatory. Students must attend the first class session to complete the placement test.
1英文能力訓練 7102121 01 Practical English Usage (Intermediate Level)
Wu Yung-chiam 2
2 Gen Edu Mon.8,9 Language CenterLanguage Classroom 224 40 link 37 preserved for 1st graders. ,Included in Global Elite Program1)本課程為大一通識必修(第1學期實用、第2學期應用,各需選修1門),第一階段每班開放3個名額供大二以上選修;2)限英文程度認定為「強化班」者選修;3)第1次上課務必出席;4)新生若自行退選預載課程再選課,則由系統進行額滿篩選;5)外文系生不得選修;7)聯合國永續發展(SDGs)對應目標:4.4-4.7。*Attendance at the first class session is mandatory. Students must attend the first class session to complete the placement test.
1英文能力訓練 7102121 02 Practical English Usage (Intermediate Level)
Lai, Yu-Ning 2
2 Gen Edu Mon.8,9 Language CenterLanguage Classroom 225 40 link 37 preserved for 1st graders. ,Included in Global Elite Program1)本課程為大一通識必修(第1學期實用、第2學期應用,各需選修1門),第一階段每班開放3個名額供大二以上選修;2)限英文程度認定為「強化班」者選修;3)第1次上課務必出席;4)新生若自行退選預載課程再選課,則由系統進行額滿篩選;5)外文系生不得選修;7)聯合國永續發展(SDGs)對應目標:4.4-4.7。*Attendance at the first class session is mandatory. Students must attend the first class session to complete the placement test.
1英文能力訓練 7102121 03 Practical English Usage (Intermediate Level)
Wu Yung-chiam 2
2 Gen Edu Mon.10,11 Language CenterLanguage Classroom 224 40 link 37 preserved for 1st graders. ,Included in Global Elite Program1)本課程為大一通識必修(第1學期實用、第2學期應用,各需選修1門),第一階段每班開放3個名額供大二以上選修;2)限英文程度認定為「強化班」者選修;3)第1次上課務必出席;4)新生若自行退選預載課程再選課,則由系統進行額滿篩選;5)外文系生不得選修;7)聯合國永續發展(SDGs)對應目標:4.4-4.7。*Attendance at the first class session is mandatory. Students must attend the first class session to complete the placement test.
1英文能力訓練 7102121 04 Practical English Usage (Intermediate Level)
Lai, Yu-Ning 2
2 Gen Edu Mon.10,11 Language CenterLanguage Classroom 225 40 link 37 preserved for 1st graders. ,Included in Global Elite Program1)本課程為大一通識必修(第1學期實用、第2學期應用,各需選修1門),第一階段每班開放3個名額供大二以上選修;2)限英文程度認定為「強化班」者選修;3)第1次上課務必出席;4)新生若自行退選預載課程再選課,則由系統進行額滿篩選;5)外文系生不得選修;7)聯合國永續發展(SDGs)對應目標:4.4-4.7。*Attendance at the first class session is mandatory. Students must attend the first class session to complete the placement test.
1英文能力訓練 7102121 05 Practical English Usage (Intermediate Level)
Lai, Yu-Ning 2
2 Gen Edu Tue.2,3 Language CenterLanguage Classroom 225 40 link 37 preserved for 1st graders. ,Included in Global Elite Program1)本課程為大一通識必修(第1學期實用、第2學期應用,各需選修1門),第一階段每班開放3個名額供大二以上選修;2)限英文程度認定為「強化班」者選修;3)第1次上課務必出席;4)新生若自行退選預載課程再選課,則由系統進行額滿篩選;5)外文系生不得選修;7)聯合國永續發展(SDGs)對應目標:4.4-4.7。*Attendance at the first class session is mandatory. Students must attend the first class session to complete the placement test.
1英文能力訓練 7102121 06 Practical English Usage (Intermediate Level)
Kang, Huei-ching 2
2 Gen Edu Tue.10,11 Language CenterLanguage Classroom 224 40 link 37 preserved for 1st graders. ,Included in Global Elite Program1)本課程為大一通識必修(第1學期實用、第2學期應用,各需選修1門),第一階段每班開放3個名額供大二以上選修;2)限英文程度認定為「強化班」者選修;3)第1次上課務必出席;4)新生若自行退選預載課程再選課,則由系統進行額滿篩選;5)外文系生不得選修;7)聯合國永續發展(SDGs)對應目標:4.4-4.7。*Attendance at the first class session is mandatory. Students must attend the first class session to complete the placement test.
1英文能力訓練 7102121 07 Practical English Usage (Intermediate Level)
Wu Yung-chiam 2
2 Gen Edu Tue.10,11 Language CenterLanguage Classroom 226 30 link 27 preserved for 1st graders. ,Included in Global Elite Program1)本課程為大一通識必修(第1學期實用、第2學期應用,各需選修1門),第一階段每班開放3個名額供大二以上選修;2)限英文程度認定為「強化班」者選修;3)第1次上課務必出席;4)新生若自行退選預載課程再選課,則由系統進行額滿篩選;5)外文系生不得選修;7)聯合國永續發展(SDGs)對應目標:4.4-4.7。*Attendance at the first class session is mandatory. Students must attend the first class session to complete the placement test.
1英文能力訓練 7102121 08 Practical English Usage (Intermediate Level)
Lai, Yu-Ning 2
2 Gen Edu Wed.2,3 Language CenterLanguage Classroom 225 40 link 37 preserved for 1st graders. ,Included in Global Elite Program1)本課程為大一通識必修(第1學期實用、第2學期應用,各需選修1門),第一階段每班開放3個名額供大二以上選修;2)限英文程度認定為「強化班」者選修;3)第1次上課務必出席;4)新生若自行退選預載課程再選課,則由系統進行額滿篩選;5)外文系生不得選修;7)聯合國永續發展(SDGs)對應目標:4.4-4.7。*Attendance at the first class session is mandatory. Students must attend the first class session to complete the placement test.
1英文能力訓練 7102121 09 Practical English Usage (Intermediate Level)
Wu Yung-chiam 2
2 Gen Edu Wed.2,3 Language CenterLanguage Classroom 226 30 link 27 preserved for 1st graders. ,Included in Global Elite Program1)本課程為大一通識必修(第1學期實用、第2學期應用,各需選修1門),第一階段每班開放3個名額供大二以上選修;2)限英文程度認定為「強化班」者選修;3)第1次上課務必出席;4)新生若自行退選預載課程再選課,則由系統進行額滿篩選;5)外文系生不得選修;7)聯合國永續發展(SDGs)對應目標:4.4-4.7。*Attendance at the first class session is mandatory. Students must attend the first class session to complete the placement test.
1英文能力訓練 7102121 10 Practical English Usage (Intermediate Level)
Kang, Huei-ching 2
2 Gen Edu Wed.10,11 Language CenterLanguage Classroom 224 40 link 37 preserved for 1st graders. ,Included in Global Elite Program1)本課程為大一通識必修(第1學期實用、第2學期應用,各需選修1門),第一階段每班開放3個名額供大二以上選修;2)限英文程度認定為「強化班」者選修;3)第1次上課務必出席;4)新生若自行退選預載課程再選課,則由系統進行額滿篩選;5)外文系生不得選修;7)聯合國永續發展(SDGs)對應目標:4.4-4.7。*Attendance at the first class session is mandatory. Students must attend the first class session to complete the placement test.
1英文能力訓練 7102121 11 Practical English Usage (Intermediate Level)
Lai, Yu-Ning 2
2 Gen Edu Wed.10,11 Language CenterLanguage Classroom 225 40 link 37 preserved for 1st graders. ,Included in Global Elite Program1)本課程為大一通識必修(第1學期實用、第2學期應用,各需選修1門),第一階段每班開放3個名額供大二以上選修;2)限英文程度認定為「強化班」者選修;3)第1次上課務必出席;4)新生若自行退選預載課程再選課,則由系統進行額滿篩選;5)外文系生不得選修;7)聯合國永續發展(SDGs)對應目標:4.4-4.7。*Attendance at the first class session is mandatory. Students must attend the first class session to complete the placement test.
1英文能力訓練 7102121 12 Practical English Usage (Intermediate Level)
Wu Yung-chiam 2
2 Gen Edu Wed.10,11 Language CenterLanguage Classroom 226 30 link 27 preserved for 1st graders. This course is for: College of Humanities (Graduate) senior ,Included in Global Elite Program1)本課程為大一通識必修(第1學期實用、第2學期應用,各需選修1門),第一階段每班開放3個名額供大二以上選修;2)限英文程度認定為「強化班」者選修;3)第1次上課務必出席;4)新生若自行退選預載課程再選課,則由系統進行額滿篩選;5)外文系生不得選修;7)聯合國永續發展(SDGs)對應目標:4.4-4.7。*Attendance at the first class session is mandatory. Students must attend the first class session to complete the placement test.
1英文能力訓練 7102121 13 Practical English Usage (Intermediate Level)
Wu Yung-chiam 2
2 Gen Edu Thur.2,3 Language CenterLanguage Classroom 225 40 link 37 preserved for 1st graders. ,Included in Global Elite Program1)本課程為大一通識必修(第1學期實用、第2學期應用,各需選修1門),第一階段每班開放3個名額供大二以上選修;2)限英文程度認定為「強化班」者選修;3)第1次上課務必出席;4)新生若自行退選預載課程再選課,則由系統進行額滿篩選;5)外文系生不得選修;7)聯合國永續發展(SDGs)對應目標:4.4-4.7。*Attendance at the first class session is mandatory. Students must attend the first class session to complete the placement test.
1英文能力訓練 7102121 14 Practical English Usage (Intermediate Level)
Kang, Huei-ching 2
2 Gen Edu Thur.10,11 Language CenterLanguage Classroom 224 40 link 37 preserved for 1st graders. ,Included in Global Elite Program1)本課程為大一通識必修(第1學期實用、第2學期應用,各需選修1門),第一階段每班開放3個名額供大二以上選修;2)限英文程度認定為「強化班」者選修;3)第1次上課務必出席;4)新生若自行退選預載課程再選課,則由系統進行額滿篩選;5)外文系生不得選修;7)聯合國永續發展(SDGs)對應目標:4.4-4.7。*Attendance at the first class session is mandatory. Students must attend the first class session to complete the placement test.
1英文能力訓練 7102121 15 Practical English Usage (Intermediate Level)
Wu Yung-chiam 2
2 Gen Edu Thur.10,11 Language CenterLanguage Classroom 225 40 link 37 preserved for 1st graders. ,Included in Global Elite Program1)本課程為大一通識必修(第1學期實用、第2學期應用,各需選修1門),第一階段每班開放3個名額供大二以上選修;2)限英文程度認定為「強化班」者選修;3)第1次上課務必出席;4)新生若自行退選預載課程再選課,則由系統進行額滿篩選;5)外文系生不得選修;7)聯合國永續發展(SDGs)對應目標:4.4-4.7。*Attendance at the first class session is mandatory. Students must attend the first class session to complete the placement test.
1英文能力訓練 7102121 16 Practical English Usage (Intermediate Level)
Kang, Huei-ching 2
2 Gen Edu Fri.2,3 Language CenterLanguage Classroom 224 40 link 37 preserved for 1st graders. ,Included in Global Elite Program1)本課程為大一通識必修(第1學期實用、第2學期應用,各需選修1門),第一階段每班開放3個名額供大二以上選修;2)限英文程度認定為「強化班」者選修;3)第1次上課務必出席;4)新生若自行退選預載課程再選課,則由系統進行額滿篩選;5)外文系生不得選修;7)聯合國永續發展(SDGs)對應目標:4.4-4.7。*Attendance at the first class session is mandatory. Students must attend the first class session to complete the placement test.
1英文能力訓練 7102121 17 Practical English Usage (Intermediate Level)
Lai, Yu-Ning 2
2 Gen Edu Fri.2,3 Language CenterLanguage Classroom 225 40 link 37 preserved for 1st graders. ,Included in Global Elite Program1)本課程為大一通識必修(第1學期實用、第2學期應用,各需選修1門),第一階段每班開放3個名額供大二以上選修;2)限英文程度認定為「強化班」者選修;3)第1次上課務必出席;4)新生若自行退選預載課程再選課,則由系統進行額滿篩選;5)外文系生不得選修;7)聯合國永續發展(SDGs)對應目標:4.4-4.7。*Attendance at the first class session is mandatory. Students must attend the first class session to complete the placement test.
1英文能力訓練 7102131 01 Practical English Usage (Integrated skills)
Daniel Yang 2
2 Gen Edu Wed.10,11 Language CenterLanguage Classroom 227 30 link 20 preserved for 1st graders. ,Included in Global Elite Program1)本課程為大一通識必修(第1學期實用、第2學期應用,各需選修1門);2)限英文程度認定為需選修「整合技巧」者;3)第1次上課務必出席;4)外文系生不得選修;5)聯合國永續發展(SDGs)對應目標:4.4-4.7。*Attendance at the first class session is mandatory. Students must attend the first class session to complete the placement test.
1英文能力訓練 7102231 01 English Communication Skills (Integrated skills)
Chia-chia Lee 2
2 Gen Edu Thur.10,11 Language CenterLanguage Classroom 224 40 link .1)本課程為大一通識必修(第1學期實用、第2學期應用,各需選修1門),為利課程改制大二以上學生銜接,本學期加開1班應用課程;2)限英文程度認定為「整合技巧」者選修;3)若該課程選修人數超過限修人數,則由選課系統進行篩選。建議先選擇尚未額滿之課程時段;4)第一次上課務必出席;5)外文系生不得選修;6)聯合國永續發展(SDGs)對應目標:4.4-4.7。(Attendance at the first class session is mandatory. Students must be present at the first class session to complete the placement test.)
2自然科學與技術 7201002 01 The Past and Future of Mathematics
Min-King Eie 2
2 Gen Edu Tue.4,5 Common Class Building212 90 link 25 preserved for 1st graders; .選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
2自然科學與技術 7204004 01 Probability in Life
Zen-Yi Chen 2
2 Gen Edu Fri.4,5 Computer Center 217 Classroom 40 link 11 preserved for 1st graders; .選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
3人文思維與生命探索 7300006 01 Creative Writing of Music and Project Design
Ying-Ching Lee 2
2 Gen Edu Tue.8,9 Common Class Building202 60 link 18 preserved for 1st graders. ,Included in Local Languages and Cultural Practice選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
3人文思維與生命探索 7300006 02 Creative Writing of Music and Project Design
Ying-Ching Lee 2
2 Gen Edu Thur.8,9 Common Class Building202 60 link 18 preserved for 1st graders. ,Included in Local Languages and Cultural Practice選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
3公民與社會參與 7300007 01 Cultural Property and Regulations
Chuang-Cheng Su 2
2 Gen Edu Tue.7,8 Common Class Building321 62 link 18 preserved for 1st graders. ,Included in Local Languages and Cultural Practice選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
3基礎概論課程 7301036 01 Japanese (I)
Takeda rie 2
2 Gen Edu Tue.4,5 Common Class Building321 60 link 18 preserved for 1st graders; .選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
3基礎概論課程 7301036 02 Japanese (I)
Takeda rie 2
2 Gen Edu Wed.4,5 Common Class Building321 60 link 18 preserved for 1st graders; .選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
3基礎概論課程 7301036 03 Japanese (I)
Takeda rie 2
2 Gen Edu Thur.4,5 Common Class Building321 60 link 18 preserved for 1st graders; .選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
3基礎概論課程 7301037 01 Japanese (II)
Takeda rie 2
2 Gen Edu Fri.4,5 Common Class Building321 60 link Prerequisite Courses: (7301036)Japanese (I)(passed) .選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
3基礎概論課程 7301037 02 Japanese (II)
Takeda rie 2
2 Gen Edu Fri.8,9 Common Class Building321 60 link Prerequisite Courses: (7301036)Japanese (I)(passed) .選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
3基礎概論課程 7301038 01 German (I)
Meei-Jyuan Yarng 2
2 Gen Edu Tue.4,5 Common Class Building213 60 link 18 preserved for 1st graders; .選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
3基礎概論課程 7301040 01 French (I)
Chen, Hung-Kuang 2
2 Gen Edu Wed.8,9 College of Humanities136 60 link 18 preserved for 1st graders; .選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
3基礎概論課程 7301042 01 Spanish (I)
Lee Iou-Lih 2
2 Gen Edu Fri.2,3 College of Humanities136 60 link 18 preserved for 1st graders; .選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
3基礎概論課程 7301049 01 Beginning Indonesian
Rau, Der-Hwa Victoria 2
2 Gen Edu Tue.10,11 Common Class Building121 40 link 18 preserved for 1st graders. ,Included in ASEAN and South Asia Law and System Program選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
3基礎概論課程 7301051 01 Taiwanese Conversation(I)
Ying-Chou Chen 2
2 Gen Edu Fri.7,8 Common Class Building203 60 link 18 preserved for 1st graders. ,Included in Local Languages and Cultural Practice選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
3基礎概論課程 7301052 01 Taiwanese Reading and Writing
Ying-Chou Chen 2
2 Gen Edu Thur.7,8 Common Class Building203 60 link 18 preserved for 1st graders. ,Included in Local Languages and Cultural Practice選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
3基礎概論課程 7301058 01 Vietnamese Basic Conversation
Thu-Trang Ho 2
2 Gen Edu Fri.2,3 Common Class Building207 60 link 11 preserved for 1st graders. ,Included in ASEAN and South Asia Law and System Program限越南語零基礎之學生修習;選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
3基礎概論課程 7301060 01 Basic Ancient Greek
Chun-Liong Ng 2
2 Gen Edu Thur.7,8 Common Class Building213 62 link 18 preserved for 1st graders.選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
3人文思維與生命探索 7302019 01 The Perspective of World History
Jyh-Chyang Fang 2
2 Gen Edu Fri.2,3 College of Humanities118 40 link 11 preserved for 1st graders; .選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
3人文思維與生命探索 7302045 01 Taiwan Folk Belief and Life Concern
Chuang-Cheng Su 2
2 Gen Edu Tue.10,11 Common Class Building321 62 link 18 preserved for 1st graders. ,Included in Local Languages and Cultural Practice選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
3人文思維與生命探索 7302046 01 Dunhuang Literature and Grotto Art
Ying-Ching Lee 2
2 Gen Edu Tue.4,5 Common Class Building202 60 link 18 preserved for 1st graders.選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
3人文思維與生命探索 7302049 01 The Social and Humanistic Customs of Taiwan? Indigenous People
Tung, Hsin-Chih 2
2 Gen Edu Wed.4,5 Common Class Building213 62 link 18 preserved for 1st graders. ,Included in Local Languages and Cultural Practice ,Included in Indigenous Intangible Cultural Heritage and Creative Application Program選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
3人文思維與生命探索 7302051 01 Family culture of Taiwanese Indigenous Peoples
Wang, Yi-Ting 2
2 Gen Edu Thur.4,5 Common Class Building213 62 link 18 preserved for 1st graders. ,Included in Indigenous Intangible Cultural Heritage and Creative Application Program選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
3經濟與國際脈動 7302053 01 Sustainabiblity and Indigenous Industry
Hui-Chen Fang 2
2 Gen Edu Tue.8,9 Common Class Building323 47 link 15 preserved for 1st graders.選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
3人文思維與生命探索 7303014 01 Bioethics
2 Gen Edu Mon.8,9 Common Class Building325 60 link 18 preserved for 1st graders; .選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
3人文思維與生命探索 7303015 01 Critical Thinking
Lin Hui-Min 2
2 Gen Edu Thur.10,11 Common Class Building422 90 link 25 preserved for 1st graders; .選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
3人文思維與生命探索 7303015 02 Critical Thinking
Min OuYang 2
2 Gen Edu Thur.10,11 Common Class Building213 62 link 18 preserved for 1st graders; .選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
3人文思維與生命探索 7303019 01 Contemporary Issues of Political Philosophy
Lin Keng-han 2
2 Gen Edu Fri.4,5 Common Class Building201 60 link 18 preserved for 1st graders; .選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
3人文思維與生命探索 7303020 01 Learning Philosophy via Science Fiction
2 Gen Edu Thur.4,5 Common Class Building325 60 link 18 preserved for 1st graders; .選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
3人文思維與生命探索 7303023 01 Philosophy and Science of Consciousness
Chen Chin-Wei 2
2 Gen Edu Mon.2,3 Common Class Building402 60 link 25 preserved for 1st graders; .選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
3人文思維與生命探索 7303024 01 Rationality and Decision-making
2 Gen Edu Mon.4,5 Common Class Building325 60 link 18 preserved for 1st graders; .選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
3人文思維與生命探索 7303025 01 The Philosophical Issues in Films
Chen Chin-Wei 2
2 Gen Edu Mon.4,5 Common Class Building402 80 link 25 preserved for 1st graders.選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
3人文思維與生命探索 7303026 01 Logical Reasoning and Fallacy
Chen Chin-Wei 2
2 Gen Edu Mon.8,9 Common Class Building402 80 link 25 preserved for 1st graders.選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
3藝術與美學 7304003 01 Music Appreciation
Fu-Chin Huang 2
2 Gen Edu Fri.2,3 Common Class Building106Lecture Theater 90 link 25 preserved for 1st graders. ,Included in Program of Drama, Creativity and Artistic Visions選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
3藝術與美學 7304007 01 A History of Western Music
Fu-Nien Hsieh 2
2 Gen Edu Fri.4,5 Common Class Building325 60 link 18 preserved for 1st graders. ,Included in Program of Drama, Creativity and Artistic Visions ,Included in NA選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
3藝術與美學 7304011 01 Art Appreciation
Shwu-Ching Lee 2
2 Gen Edu Fri.2,3 College of Humanities106 55 link 16 preserved for 1st graders. ,Included in Art Works Program選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
3藝術與美學 7304012 01 Introduction to Vocal Music
Fu-Nien Hsieh 2
2 Gen Edu Fri.2,3 Common Class Building325 60 link 18 preserved for 1st graders. ,Included in Program of Drama, Creativity and Artistic Visions選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
3藝術與美學 7304019 01 The Practice of Western Artists and Theories
Cheng-Te Huang 2
2 Gen Edu Wed.4,5 Common Class Building507 60 link 18 preserved for 1st graders. ,Included in Art Works Program ,Included in Program of Drama, Creativity and Artistic Visions選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
3藝術與美學 7304020 01 Trends of Contemporary Art
Cheng-Te Huang 2
2 Gen Edu Tue.8,9 Common Class Building507 60 link 18 preserved for 1st graders. ,Included in Art Works Program ,Included in Program of Drama, Creativity and Artistic Visions ,Included in NA選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
3藝術與美學 7304023 01 Plastic art and Design
Cheng-Te Huang 2
2 Gen Edu Tue.10,11 Common Class Building507 60 link 18 preserved for 1st graders. ,Included in Art Works Program ,Included in Program of Drama, Creativity and Artistic Visions ,Included in NA選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
3藝術與美學 7304024 01 Basic Printmaking
Cheng-Te Huang 2
2 Gen Edu Mon.8,9 Common Class Building507 30 link 9 preserved for 1st graders. ,Included in Art Works Program ,Included in Program of Drama, Creativity and Artistic Visions ,Included in NA選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
3藝術與美學 7304024 02 Basic Printmaking
Cheng-Te Huang 2
2 Gen Edu Mon.10,11 Common Class Building507 30 link 9 preserved for 1st graders. ,Included in Art Works Program ,Included in Program of Drama, Creativity and Artistic Visions ,Included in NA選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
3藝術與美學 7304029 01 Acting and Self-development
Li-Te Chou 2
2 Gen Edu Fri.9,10 Activity Center 301Dance Classroom 16 link . ,Included in Program of Drama, Creativity and Artistic Visions ,Included in NA選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。限大三以上學生選修,若達選課人數上限,不予加簽。
3藝術與美學 7304030 01 Drama and Life
Li-Te Chou 2
2 Gen Edu Fri.4,5 Common Class Building212 47 link 15 preserved for 1st graders. ,Included in Program of Drama, Creativity and Artistic Visions ,Included in NA選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。若達選課人數上限,不予加簽。
3藝術與美學 7304030 02 Drama and Life
Li-Te Chou 2
2 Gen Edu Fri.7,8 Common Class Building212 47 link 15 preserved for 1st graders. ,Included in Program of Drama, Creativity and Artistic Visions ,Included in NA選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。若達選課人數上限,不予加簽。
3藝術與美學 7304031 01 Digital Aesthetics
Wei -Yuan Lu 2
2 Gen Edu Mon.4,5 Computer Center 217 Classroom 40 link . ,Included in Art Works Program ,Included in NA選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。限大二以上學生選修。
3藝術與美學 7304031 02 Digital Aesthetics
Wei -Yuan Lu 2
2 Gen Edu Tue.4,5 Computer Center 217 Classroom 40 link . ,Included in Art Works Program ,Included in NA選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。限大二以上學生選修。
3能源、環境與生態 7304032 01 Observation and Preservation of Nature
Wei -Yuan Lu 2
2 Gen Edu Wed.4,5 Common Class Building506 36 link . ,Included in Circular Technology and Sustainable Development Program本課程為社會服務學習課程之「認證型課程」,修課學生需前往校外進行生態調查,建議備有交通工具或駕照者為佳;限大二以上學生選修;選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
3藝術與美學 7304033 01 The Story of Art
Wei -Yuan Lu 2
2 Gen Edu Tue.10,11 Common Class Building325 50 link 15 preserved for 1st graders. ,Included in Art Works Program ,Included in Program of Drama, Creativity and Artistic Visions ,Included in NA選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
3藝術與美學 7304034 01 Modern Art and Design
Cheng An Li 2
2 Gen Edu Thur.4,5 Common Class Building507 60 link 18 preserved for 1st graders. ,Included in Art Works Program ,Included in Program of Drama, Creativity and Artistic Visions選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
3藝術與美學 7304034 02 Modern Art and Design
Cheng An Li 2
2 Gen Edu Thur.8,9 Common Class Building507 60 link 18 preserved for 1st graders. ,Included in Art Works Program ,Included in Program of Drama, Creativity and Artistic Visions選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
3藝術與美學 7304035 01 Art Form and Presentation
Cheng An Li 2
2 Gen Edu Thur.10,11 Common Class Building507 60 link 18 preserved for 1st graders. ,Included in Art Works Program ,Included in Program of Drama, Creativity and Artistic Visions ,Included in NA選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
3藝術與美學 7304036 01 Digital Music Design
Chieh-Fan,Chang 2
2 Gen Edu Thur.4,5 Computer Center 214 Classroom 38 link 11 preserved for 1st graders. ,Included in NA選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
3藝術與美學 7304038 01 Exploring Music Therapy
Fu-Nien Hsieh 2
2 Gen Edu Fri.7,8 Common Class Building325 20 link 9 preserved for 1st graders.選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
3藝術與美學 7304041 01 Image Aesthetics
Wei -Yuan Lu 2
2 Gen Edu Wed.8,9 Common Class Building506 30 link . ,Included in NA選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。限大二以上學生選修。
3藝術與美學 7304042 01 Introduction to the World Music
Ting-Ya Chiu 2
2 Gen Edu Mon.4,5 Common Class Building321 62 link 18 preserved for 1st graders. ,Included in NA選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
3藝術與美學 7304042 02 Introduction to the World Music
Ting-Ya Chiu 2
2 Gen Edu Mon.8,9 Common Class Building321 62 link 18 preserved for 1st graders. ,Included in NA選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
3藝術與美學 7304043 01 The History of Film Scoring - Analysis and Development
Ting-Ya Chiu 2
2 Gen Edu Mon.10,11 Common Class Building321 62 link 18 preserved for 1st graders.全英語授課;選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
3藝術與美學 7304050 01 Dancing with the Black and White keys : The collaboration of piano performance and its practice
Fu-Chin Huang 2
2 Gen Edu Fri.4,5 Common Class Building106Lecture Theater 40 link 11 preserved for 1st graders.修課學生須俱備鋼琴彈奏基礎;選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
3人文思維與生命探索 7305002 01 Christian Belief and Modern Sciences in the Western World
Chia-Chen Hsu 2
2 Gen Edu Thur.10,11 Physics Building206 90 link 25 preserved for 1st graders.選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
3人文思維與生命探索 7305005 01 The Religion and Ritual Culture of Taiwan Aboriginal
Bakun Ismahasan Islituan Undetermined 2
2 Gen Edu Fri.8,9 Common Class Building206 60 link 18 preserved for 1st graders. ,Included in Local Languages and Cultural Practice ,Included in Indigenous Intangible Cultural Heritage and Creative Application Program選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
3跨向度課程 7306054 01 Chung Cheng Lectures-Learning from the Masters(XXV)
Chun-Ju Huang 2
2 Gen Edu Thur.10,11 Common Class Building214 50 link 15 preserved for 1st graders.
3跨向度課程 7306054 02 Chung Cheng Lectures-Learning from the Masters(XXV)
Lillian-Wang 2
2 Gen Edu Thur.10,11 Common Class Building321 50 link 15 preserved for 1st graders.
3跨向度課程 7306054 03 Chung Cheng Lectures-Learning from the Masters(XXV)
Yang, Chia-Yu 2
2 Gen Edu Thur.10,11 Common Class Building207 50 link 15 preserved for 1st graders.
4經濟與國際脈動 7400001 01 International Migration
Dr Ping Lin 2
2 Gen Edu Thur.10,11 College of Social Sciences Building 2 102 40 link 11 preserved for 1st graders.選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
4人文思維與生命探索 7400005 01 Historical Culture and Political-Economic Laws of the Jewish People
Pin-chieh JSENG 2
2 Gen Edu Mon.10,11 Common Class Building213 62 link 18 preserved for 1st graders.選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
4人文思維與生命探索 7400016 01 Gender Relationship
Hsiao Hsiang-Feng 2
2 Gen Edu Wed.8,9 Common Class Building206 60 link 18 preserved for 1st graders.選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
4人文思維與生命探索 7400017 01 Love and Literature
Hsiao Hsiang-Feng 2
2 Gen Edu Thur.8,9 Common Class Building206 60 link 18 preserved for 1st graders.選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
4公民與社會參與 7400022 01 Tribal Economic Developme
Liu, Hsiao-Ming 2
2 Gen Edu Fri.8,9 Common Class Building202 60 link 18 preserved for 1st graders. ,Included in Indigenous Intangible Cultural Heritage and Creative Application Program選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
4公民與社會參與 7400030 01 Educational philosophy from a democratic perspective
Lin Keng-han 2
2 Gen Edu Fri.7,8 Common Class Building201 60 link 18 preserved for 1st graders.
4自然科學與技術 7400031 01 Introduction to Workplace Safety
Chun-I Chen 2
2 Gen Edu Thur.10,11 Common Class Building420 62 link 18 preserved for 1st graders.
4人文思維與生命探索 7401020 01 Mental Health and Adjustment
Chen, Yi-Hua 2
2 Gen Edu Tue.2,3 College of Education (Building 2)233 42 link 11 preserved for 1st graders; .選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
4公民與社會參與 7402014 01 Globalization and the Modern Society
Tsai, Hui-Ju 2
2 Gen Edu Mon.8,9 Common Class Building420 62 link 18 preserved for 1st graders.選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
4公民與社會參與 7402014 02 Globalization and the Modern Society
Tsai, Hui-Ju 2
2 Gen Edu Mon.10,11 Common Class Building420 62 link 18 preserved for 1st graders.選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
4經濟與國際脈動 7402036 01 Overseas Taiwanese Immigrants and Businesses
Jou-juo Chu 2
2 Gen Edu Wed.4,5 College of Social Sciences328 20 link 7 preserved for 1st graders; .選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
4公民與社會參與 7402040 01 Media Literacy
Victoria Y Chen 2
2 Gen Edu Tue.10,11 College of Social Sciences119 90 link 25 preserved for 1st graders; .
4經濟與國際脈動 7402049 01 Everything You Want to Know about Capitalism, but Were Afraid to Ask
Kuo-Chih Huang 2
2 Gen Edu Thur.10,11 Common Class Building423 30 link 11 preserved for 1st graders.全英語授課;選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
4公民與社會參與 7402050 01 Sociology of Diaspora
Jou-juo Chu 2
2 Gen Edu Wed.2,3 College of Social Sciences328 20 link 7 preserved for 1st graders; .選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
4經濟與國際脈動 7403003 01 Analysis of Domestic and International Situation
Jung-hsiang Tsai 2
2 Gen Edu Mon.4,5 Common Class Building213 62 link 18 preserved for 1st graders.選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
4經濟與國際脈動 7403006 01 Cultural Forces in World Politics
Chao-hsien, Chiu 2
2 Gen Edu Thur.8,9 Common Class Building419 90 link 25 preserved for 1st graders.選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
4經濟與國際脈動 7403007 01 An Introduction to International Relations and Asia-Pacific Security Situation
Tai-Ho Lin 2
2 Gen Edu Wed.8,9 Common Class Building315 90 link 25 preserved for 1st graders.選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
4公民與社會參與 7404017 01 Labor Law and Business Management
Tong-Shuan Yang 2
2 Gen Edu Wed.10,11 College of Social Sciences326 60 link 18 preserved for 1st graders; .選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
4公民與社會參與 7404018 01 Constitution Law-Basic Human Rights
Ren-Miau Lee 2
2 Gen Edu Wed.8,9 College of Law101Lecture Theater 90 link 25 preserved for 1st graders; .選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
4經濟與國際脈動 7404025 01 Combating Global Crime
Yueh-Chung Ma 2
2 Gen Edu Wed.4,5 College of Education (Building 2)336 58 link 16 preserved for 1st graders.選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
4公民與社會參與 7404038 01 Post-war Taiwan Constitution and Constitutional Development
San - Rong Hsieh 2
2 Gen Edu Mon.8,9 Common Class Building422 60 link 25 preserved for 1st graders; .選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
4公民與社會參與 7404038 02 Post-war Taiwan Constitution and Constitutional Development
San - Rong Hsieh 2
2 Gen Edu Mon.10,11 Common Class Building422 90 link 25 preserved for 1st graders; .選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
4經濟與國際脈動 7405006 01 Everyday Economics
Yang-Chien Tsai 3
3 Gen Edu Tue.7,8,9 Common Class Building420 62 link 18 preserved for 1st graders; .選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
4經濟與國際脈動 7405010 01 Understanding the Taiwanese Economy
Yang-Chien Tsai 2
2 Gen Edu Tue.10,11 Common Class Building420 62 link 18 preserved for 1st graders; . ,Included in Local Languages and Cultural Practice選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
4經濟與國際脈動 7405013 01 Understanding the China Economy
Shyh-Fang Ueng 2
2 Gen Edu Tue.8,9 Common Class Building401 60 link 20 preserved for 1st graders; .選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
4經濟與國際脈動 7405014 01 Economics and Country Development
Shyh-Fang Ueng 2
2 Gen Edu Tue.4,5 Common Class Building401 60 link 20 preserved for 1st graders; .選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
4經濟與國際脈動 7405014 02 Economics and Country Development
Shyh-Fang Ueng 2
2 Gen Edu Wed.8,9 Common Class Building401 60 link 20 preserved for 1st graders; .選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
4經濟與國際脈動 7405019 01 Introduction to Financial Technology
Yu-Chung Hung 2
2 Gen Edu Tue.10,11 創新大樓163 60 link 18 preserved for 1st graders; .選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
4經濟與國際脈動 7406018 01 Financial Management in Life
Yu-Chung Hung 2
2 Gen Edu Mon.4,5 創新大樓163 60 link 18 preserved for 1st graders; .選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
4經濟與國際脈動 7406018 02 Financial Management in Life
Yu-Chung Hung 2
2 Gen Edu Mon.10,11 創新大樓163 60 link 18 preserved for 1st graders; .選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
4經濟與國際脈動 7406032 01 Introduction to Financial management
2 Gen Edu Wed.9,10 Common Class Building204 62 link 18 preserved for 1st graders; .選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
4經濟與國際脈動 7406032 02 Introduction to Financial management
Chang Hung Chou 2
2 Gen Edu Wed.4,5 Common Class Building420 62 link 18 preserved for 1st graders; .選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
4經濟與國際脈動 7406032 03 Introduction to Financial management
Po-Hsiung Huang 2
2 Gen Edu Mon.8,9 Common Class Building204 62 link 18 preserved for 1st graders; .選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
4經濟與國際脈動 7406035 01 International Human Resource Management
Lillian-Wang 2
2 Gen Edu Tue.4,5 Common Class Building322 62 link 18 preserved for 1st graders; .選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
4經濟與國際脈動 7406036 01 Investment Planning and Life
I-Yuan Chuang 2
2 Gen Edu Mon.7,8 College of Management201 60 link 18 preserved for 1st graders; .選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
4公民與社會參與 7406039 01 Decoding Habitual Domains in the Workplace
Jou-juo Chu 2
2 Gen Edu Tue.10,11 College of Social Sciences328 20 link 7 preserved for 1st graders; .全英授課;選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
4人文思維與生命探索 7407012 01 Life Education
Wan-Jen Chang 2
2 Gen Edu Tue.10,11 College of Education (Building 2)135 60 link 25 preserved for 1st graders.選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
4人文思維與生命探索 7407013 01 Career Plan
Lillian-Wang 2
2 Gen Edu Wed.4,5 Common Class Building322 62 link 18 preserved for 1st graders; .選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
4人文思維與生命探索 7407014 01 Human Relations & Interpersonal Communication
Lillian-Wang 2
2 Gen Edu Wed.10,11 Common Class Building321 62 link 18 preserved for 1st graders.選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
4公民與社會參與 7407026 01 Service Leaning: Health Promotion for the Elderly
Bi-Ju, Ho 2
2 Gen Edu Tue.4,5 Common Class Building205 50 link 15 preserved for 1st graders. ,Included in Interdisciplinary Program on Socio-Legal Clinics for Elderly Rights選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。本課程為社會服務學習課程,修課學生需前往校外合作單位進行服務,建議備有交通工具或駕照者為佳。
4公民與社會參與 7407026 02 Service Leaning: Health Promotion for the Elderly
Bi-Ju, Ho 2
2 Gen Edu Tue.7,8 Common Class Building205 50 link 15 preserved for 1st graders. ,Included in Interdisciplinary Program on Socio-Legal Clinics for Elderly Rights選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。本課程為社會服務學習課程,修課學生需前往校外合作單位進行服務,建議備有交通工具或駕照者為佳。
4公民與社會參與 7407027 01 Service Learning: The Application of Knowledge and Skills in Remedial Teaching
Miao-Hsiang Lin 2
2 Gen Edu Thur.2,3 Common Class Building214 50 link 15 preserved for 1st graders.選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。本課程為社會服務學習課程,修課學生需前往校外合作單位進行服務,建議備有交通工具或駕照者為佳。
4公民與社會參與 7407027 02 Service Learning: The Application of Knowledge and Skills in Remedial Teaching
Miao-Hsiang Lin 2
2 Gen Edu Thur.4,5 Common Class Building214 50 link 15 preserved for 1st graders.選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。本課程為社會服務學習課程,修課學生需前往校外合作單位進行服務,建議備有交通工具或駕照者為佳。
4公民與社會參與 7407027 03 Service Learning: The Application of Knowledge and Skills in Remedial Teaching
Miao-Hsiang Lin 2
2 Gen Edu Fri.2,3 Common Class Building214 50 link 15 preserved for 1st graders.選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。本課程為社會服務學習課程,修課學生需前往校外合作單位進行服務,建議備有交通工具或駕照者為佳。
4公民與社會參與 7407027 04 Service Learning: The Application of Knowledge and Skills in Remedial Teaching
Sie, Ning-Huei 2
2 Gen Edu Thur.4,5 Common Class Building207 50 link 15 preserved for 1st graders.選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。本課程為社會服務學習課程,修課學生需前往校外合作單位進行服務,建議備有交通工具或駕照者為佳。
4公民與社會參與 7407027 05 Service Learning: The Application of Knowledge and Skills in Remedial Teaching
Bi-Ju, Ho 2
2 Gen Edu Wed.4,5 Common Class Building205 50 link 15 preserved for 1st graders.選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。本課程為社會服務學習課程,修課學生需前往校外合作單位進行服務,建議備有交通工具或駕照者為佳。
4公民與社會參與 7407027 06 Service Learning: The Application of Knowledge and Skills in Remedial Teaching
Bi-Ju, Ho 2
2 Gen Edu Wed.7,8 Common Class Building205 50 link 15 preserved for 1st graders.選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。本課程為社會服務學習課程,修課學生需前往校外合作單位進行服務,建議備有交通工具或駕照者為佳。
4公民與社會參與 7407028 01 Service Learning: The Propaganda of Friendly Campus
Miao-Hsiang Lin 2
2 Gen Edu Fri.4,5 Common Class Building214 50 link 15 preserved for 1st graders.選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。本課程為社會服務學習課程,修課學生需前往校外合作單位進行服務,建議備有交通工具或駕照者為佳。
4公民與社會參與 7407030 01 Service Learning: On-Campus Administrative Units
Kuang-Chu Li 2
2 Gen Edu Fri.8,9 Common Class Building207 50 link 15 preserved for 1st graders; .選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。本課程為社會服務學習課程。修課學生服務單位為本校衛保組及雲嘉青年志工中心,無交通工具者可選修此課程。
4公民與社會參與 7407031 01 Service Learning: On-Campus Student Clubs
Kuang-Chu Li 2
2 Gen Edu Mon.4,5 Common Class Building207 50 link 15 preserved for 1st graders; .選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。本課程為社會服務學習課程,提供對於社團經營及社團服務學習活動有興趣的學生之修課管道。選修這門課的同學需要分組自行規畫服務方案並執行。
4自然科學與技術 7407033 01 Current Health Issues and Service Learning
Sie, Ning-Huei 2
2 Gen Edu Thur.2,3 Common Class Building207 50 link 15 preserved for 1st graders.選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。本課程為社會服務學習課程,修課學生需前往校外合作單位進行服務,建議備有交通工具或駕照者為佳。請修課學生確認9/21可出席服務,若無法出席,請勿選課。
4公民與社會參與 7407034 01 Service Learning: Docenting at Southern Branch of the National Palace Museum
Hsiang-Jen Tsai 2
2 Gen Edu Wed.4,5 Common Class Building207 50 link 15 preserved for 1st graders.選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。本課程為社會服務學習課程,修課學生需前往校外合作單位進行服務,建議備有交通工具或駕照者為佳。
4公民與社會參與 7407034 02 Service Learning: Docenting at Southern Branch of the National Palace Museum
Pei-Ching Liao 2
2 Gen Edu Fri.4,5 Common Class Building208 50 link 15 preserved for 1st graders.選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。本課程為社會服務學習課程,修課學生需前往校外合作單位進行服務,建議備有交通工具或駕照者為佳。
4公民與社會參與 7407035 01 Service-Learning: Community Engagement
Kuang-Chu Li 2
2 Gen Edu Fri.4,5 Common Class Building207 50 link 15 preserved for 1st graders.選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。本課程為社會服務學習課程,修課學生需前往校外合作單位進行服務,建議備有交通工具或駕照者為佳。
4人文思維與生命探索 7407036 01 Practice and Promotion of Morality and Communication Education
Min-Chieh Lin 2
2 Gen Edu Thur.2,3 Common Class Building202 50 link 15 preserved for 1st graders.選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。本課程為社會服務學習課程之「認證型課程」,修課學生需前往校外合作單位進行服務,建議備有交通工具或駕照者為佳。
2自然科學與技術 7500004 01 Science in films
Chun-Ju Huang 2
2 Gen Edu Tue.8,9 Common Class Building214 62 link .限大二以上學生選修;選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
2能源、環境與生態 7500010 01 Sustainable Green Life
Chia-Sheng Huang 2
2 Gen Edu Tue.10,11 Common Class Building206 60 link 18 preserved for 1st graders. ,Included in Circular Technology and Sustainable Development Program ,Included in NA選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
2能源、環境與生態 7500010 02 Sustainable Green Life
Chia-Sheng Huang 2
2 Gen Edu Tue.4,5 Common Class Building206 60 link 18 preserved for 1st graders. ,Included in Circular Technology and Sustainable Development Program ,Included in NA選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
2能源、環境與生態 7500014 01 Introducation to Sustainable Urban Planning
Chung-Huei Tsai 2
2 Gen Edu Tue.7,8 Common Class Building201 60 link 18 preserved for 1st graders. ,Included in Circular Technology and Sustainable Development Program選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
2能源、環境與生態 7500015 01 Environmental Ethics from the Viewpoint of Green Industry
Lee Jeng Ching 2
2 Gen Edu Wed.7,8 Common Class Building325 60 link 18 preserved for 1st graders. ,Included in Circular Technology and Sustainable Development Program ,Included in NA選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
2能源、環境與生態 7500016 01 Sustainable Development
Lee Jeng Ching 2
2 Gen Edu Wed.4,5 Common Class Building325 60 link 18 preserved for 1st graders. ,Included in Electronic Commerce Program ,Included in Circular Technology and Sustainable Development Program ,Included in NA選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
2能源、環境與生態 7500017 01 Climate Change Adaptation and Disasters Protection
Lee Jeng Ching 2
2 Gen Edu Thur.7,8 Common Class Building420 62 link 18 preserved for 1st graders. ,Included in Circular Technology and Sustainable Development Program選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
2能源、環境與生態 7500018 01 Soils and Environmental Ecology
Wen-Shu,Huang 2
2 Gen Edu Thur.11,12 Common Class Building208 40 link 11 preserved for 1st graders. ,Included in Circular Technology and Sustainable Development Program選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
2自然科學與技術 7500021 01 Practice on scientific tea drinking
Wei-Ting Hsu 2
2 Gen Edu Tue.8,9 Common Class Building207 40 link 11 preserved for 1st graders.選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
2自然科學與技術 7500021 02 Practice on scientific tea drinking
Wei-Ting Hsu 2
2 Gen Edu Tue.10,11 Common Class Building207 40 link 11 preserved for 1st graders.選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
2能源、環境與生態 7500028 01 Hope for Sustainable Green Energy
Lee Jeng Ching 2
2 Gen Edu Thur.4,5 Common Class Building420 62 link 18 preserved for 1st graders; . ,Included in Circular Technology and Sustainable Development Program ,Included in NA選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
2能源、環境與生態 7500032 01 Environmental Ecology
Jung-Sheng Chen 2
2 Gen Edu Tue.10,11 Common Class Building203 60 link 18 preserved for 1st graders; .選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
2能源、環境與生態 7500035 01 Mitigating the impact of Net-Zero Emission Policy on Enterprise
Yong-Song Chen 2
2 Gen Edu Wed.8,9 Common Class Building422 90 link 25 preserved for 1st graders. ,Included in NA選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
2自然科學與技術 7501019 01 History of Modern Physics: From Geocentric Model to Cosmology
Chin-Rong Lee 2
2 Gen Edu Tue.10,11 Physics Building206 90 link 25 preserved for 1st graders.選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
2自然科學與技術 7502002 01 Today Chemical enginnering
Joseph Yuchun Fu 2
2 Gen Edu Mon.8,9 Common Class Building213 62 link 18 preserved for 1st graders; .選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
2自然科學與技術 7503012 01 Emergency Medicine
Jen-Tsung Yang 2
2 Gen Edu Mon.10,11 Common Class Building401 70 link 20 preserved for 1st graders.選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
2資訊能力課程 7504019 01 Introduction to Computer Game Programming
Han-Cheng Chang 2
2 Gen Edu Wed.9,10 Computer Center 215 Classroom 70 link 20 preserved for 1st graders; . ,Included in Digital Technology Micro-program選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
2能源、環境與生態 7505009 01 Plants in Taiwan
Chia-Sheng Huang 2
2 Gen Edu Tue.8,9 Common Class Building206 60 link 18 preserved for 1st graders.選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表,本課程為社會服務學習課程之「認證型課程」。
2能源、環境與生態 7506002 01 Earthquakes、Disasters and Protection
2 Gen Edu Mon.4,5 Seismology Building301 38 link 11 preserved for 1st graders; .選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
2能源、環境與生態 7506007 01 Earth and Environmental Sciences
Young-Fo Chang 2
2 Gen Edu Fri.2,3 Seismology Building302 85 link 20 preserved for 1st graders; . ,Included in Circular Technology and Sustainable Development Program ,Included in NA選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
2能源、環境與生態 7506009 01 Introduction to Field Geology
Meng-Long Hsieh 2
2 Gen Edu Fri.10,11 Seismology Building102 35 link 16 preserved for 1st graders; .擋修地環系.1.本課程為野外課,沒有加野外課的同學以不級格論。 2.野外行徑部分非觀光路線,歡迎愛好自然、對探險有興趣的同學參加。 3.有懼高症、心臟病的同學不宜參加。 4.野外食宿、交通、保險費等費用共約四千元(多退少補)。 5.因課程須至校外,為方便控管,故限制修課人數。
2自然科學與技術 7506011 01 Introduction to 101 Astronomical Objects
Hsu-Tai Lee 2
2 Gen Edu Tue.4,5 Common Class Building208 60 link 18 preserved for 1st graders.選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
2自然科學與技術 7506012 01 Exploring the Sky
Hsu-Tai Lee 2
2 Gen Edu Tue.2,3 Common Class Building208 60 link 18 preserved for 1st graders.選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
2自然科學與技術 7506012 02 Exploring the Sky
Hsu-Tai Lee 2
2 Gen Edu Tue.7,8 Common Class Building208 60 link 18 preserved for 1st graders.選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
2能源、環境與生態 7506013 01 Introduction of Geological Survey in Taiwan - Case of Hengchun Peninsula
Chia-Yu Chen 2
2 Gen Edu Tue.10,11 Seismology Building302 36 link 20 preserved for 1st graders; .選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。1. 本課程有三天(五六日)為野外課程時間。 2. 本課程不提供公假,僅提供野外實習證明(上課證明),若野外時間與其他課程衝突,請先經過該課程老師同意後再進行簽選。 3. 請確認自己身體健康、四肢活動正常,未患心臟病、癌症、氣喘,且未有懷孕與其他不應參加劇烈野外活動的情形。若有上述情形,則不建議參加本課程。 4. 野外課程中須步入河谷、礫石灘及攀爬珊瑚礁,選課前請衡量自身身體狀況。 5. 野外定金用於繳納遊覽車、旅館及餐廳預訂,請務必確認行事曆公告之各時間是否可以出席,野外定金一旦繳交即不退費! 6. 因課程須至校外,為方便控管,故限制修課人數。
2自然科學與技術 7506014 01 Introduction of Astronomy and Observation
Lih-Yir Shieh 2
2 Gen Edu Tue.13,14 Common Class Building506 30 link 9 preserved for 1st graders.選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
2自然科學與技術 7506014 02 Introduction of Astronomy and Observation
Lih-Yir Shieh 2
2 Gen Edu Wed.13,14 Common Class Building506 30 link 9 preserved for 1st graders.選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
2自然科學與技術 7507003 01 Aseismic Concepts for Building Structures
Chung-Huei Tsai 2
2 Gen Edu Wed.7,8 Common Class Building201 60 link 18 preserved for 1st graders.選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
2自然科學與技術 7507004 01 Modern Vehicle
liu Cheng-I 2
2 Gen Edu Thur.4,5 College of Engineering (Building B)116 90 link 25 preserved for 1st graders.選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
2資訊能力課程 7507009 01 Introduction to Information Security
Chun-Yao Wang Po-Sen Huang 2
2 Gen Edu Thur.11,12 Computer Center 215 Classroom 60 link 20 preserved for 1st graders; . ,Included in Information Security Program ,Included in Digital Technology Micro-program選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
2資訊能力課程 7507013 01 Applications of Information Technology
Yung-Ru Yu 2
2 Gen Edu Tue.11,12 Computer Center 216 Classroom 40 link 11 preserved for 1st graders; . ,Included in Digital Technology Micro-program選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
2資訊能力課程 7507013 02 Applications of Information Technology
Yung-Ru Yu 2
2 Gen Edu Wed.11,12 Computer Center 216 Classroom 40 link 11 preserved for 1st graders; . ,Included in Digital Technology Micro-program選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
2能源、環境與生態 7507014 01 An Introduction to Green Architecture
Chung-Huei Tsai 2
2 Gen Edu Tue.4,5 Common Class Building201 60 link 15 preserved for 1st graders. ,Included in Circular Technology and Sustainable Development Program選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
2資訊能力課程 7507018 01 Big Data Analytics and Applications
Han-Cheng Chang 2
2 Gen Edu Wed.11,12 Computer Center 215 Classroom 70 link 20 preserved for 1st graders; . ,Included in Artificial Intelligence Micro-program ,Included in Digital Technology Micro-program選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
2資訊能力課程 7507019 01 Information Innovation
Chung-Shuo Fan 2
2 Gen Edu Mon.8,9 Computer Center 215 Classroom 40 link 11 preserved for 1st graders; . ,Included in Artificial Intelligence Micro-program ,Included in Digital Technology Micro-program擋修資工系電機系通訊系資管系;本課程為社會服務學習課程之「認證型課程」,修課學生需前往校外合作單位進行服務,建議備有交通工具或駕照者為佳;選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
2資訊能力課程 7507019 02 Information Innovation
Chiung-Hon Lee 2
2 Gen Edu Fri.4,5 Computer Center 214 Classroom 38 link 11 preserved for 1st graders; . ,Included in Artificial Intelligence Micro-program ,Included in Digital Technology Micro-program擋修資工系電機系通訊系資管系;選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
2資訊能力課程 7507020 01 Computational Thinking and Programming
Chung-Shuo Fan 2
2 Gen Edu Tue.4,5 Computer Center 215 Classroom 40 link 11 preserved for 1st graders; . ,Included in Artificial Intelligence Micro-program ,Included in Digital Technology Micro-program選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
2資訊能力課程 7507022 01 Robotic Exploration and Applications
Chung-Shuo Fan 2
2 Gen Edu Mon.4,5 Common Class Building302TEAL Classroom 40 link 11 preserved for 1st graders; . ,Included in Artificial Intelligence Micro-program ,Included in Digital Technology Micro-program選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
2自然科學與技術 7507026 01 Data Science in Real Life
Feng-I Chung 2
2 Gen Edu Thur.8,9 Computer Center 216 Classroom 40 link 11 preserved for 1st graders; . ,Included in Artificial Intelligence Micro-program ,Included in Digital Technology Micro-program選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
2資訊能力課程 7507030 01 Drone Exploration and Application
Chung-Shuo Fan 2
2 Gen Edu Thur.8,9 Computer Center 217 Classroom 30 link 16 preserved for 1st graders; . ,Included in Digital Technology Micro-program受限於無人機飛行場地及備設因素,本課程不開放加簽及旁聽;選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
2資訊能力課程 7507031 01 Applications of Deep Learning in Artificial Intelligence
Su Yuan-Yuan 2
2 Gen Edu Tue.10,11 Computer Center 215 Classroom 40 link 11 preserved for 1st graders; . ,Included in Artificial Intelligence Micro-program選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。
2資訊能力課程 7507032 01 The Generative AI Practical and Applications
Ting-Hsuan Chien 2
2 Gen Edu Wed.8,9 Computer Center 216 Classroom 40 link 11 preserved for 1st graders; .選課前請至通識教育中心網頁瀏覽各學系不採計通識課程列表。