Year Standing | Course ID | Class | Course Title | Instructor | Hours per week Regular/Experiments/Discussions |
Credit | Credit type | Day/Period | Classroom | Student Limit | Syllabus | Remarks(Might contain Chinese due to course remarks which cannot be translated afterwards) |
1 | 3351006 | 01 | Basic Writing |
Victoria Y Chen | 3 3/0/0 |
3 | Required | Tue.4,5,6 | College of Social Sciences207 | 35 | link | 25 preserved for 1st gradersNot available for students from other departments.本班為基礎寫作01班,限修人數35名,保留大一25名。請學號單號選修01班,雙號選修02班。 |
1 | 3351006 | 02 | Basic Writing |
LIU JUNG HUA | 3 3/0/0 |
3 | Required | Tue.4,5,6 | College of Social Sciences103 | 35 | link | 25 preserved for 1st gradersNot available for students from other departments.本班為基礎寫作02班,限修人數35名,保留大一25名。請學號單號選修01班,雙號選修02班。 |
1 | 3351013 | 01 | Introduction to Drama |
Cheng-Chung Lee | 3 3/0/0 |
3 | Elective | Thur.4,5,6 | College of Social Sciences102 | 24 | link | 16 preserved for 1st graders ,Included in Program of Drama, Creativity and Artistic Visions保留大一16名 |
1 | 3351015 | 01 | Selected Readings in Communication |
Yi-Mei Lin Wan-Wen Day CHENG-LUNG WU | 3 3/0/0 |
3 | Elective | Tue.7,8,9 | College of Social Sciences103 | 55 | link | 30 preserved for 1st graders保留大一30名 |
1 | 3351022 | 01 | Sociology & Communication |
Shih-Hung Lo | 3 3/0/0 |
3 | Required | Tue.7,8,9 | College of Social Sciences207 | 50 | link | 30 preserved for 1st gradersNot available for students from other departments.本課程與「政治學與傳播」、「心理學與傳播」、「經濟學與傳播」為必修四選二課程。本系生若選修其他學系或通識課程之「社會學」,其學分僅能擇一科目採計。 |
1 | 3351023 | 01 | Introduction to Visual Production |
CHENG-LUNG WU | 4 3/1/0 |
3 | Required | Wed.10,11,12 Fri.10 | College of Social Sciences103 | 35 | link | 25 preserved for 1st gradersNot available for students from other departments.*本班限修人數35名,保留大一25名。請學號單號選修01班,雙號選修02班 *本課程為3+1課程,除了教學,亦有實務操作學習 |
1 | 3351023 | 02 | Introduction to Visual Production |
Shih-Chien Chang | 4 3/1/0 |
3 | Required | Wed.10,11,12 Fri.10 | College of Social Sciences207 | 35 | link | 25 preserved for 1st gradersNot available for students from other departments.*本班限修人數35名,保留大一25名。請學號單號選修01班,雙號選修02班 *本課程為3+1課程,除了教學,亦有實務操作學習 |
1 | 3351024 | 01 | Introduction to Communication |
Shih-che Tang | 3 3/0/0 |
3 | Required | Mon.4,5,6 | College of Social Sciences103 | 55 | link | 50 preserved for 1st gradersNot available for students from other departments.保留大一50名 |
1 | 3351030 | 01 | Media Technology and Society |
Yi-Mei Lin | 3 3/0/0 |
3 | Elective | Mon.7,8,9 | College of Social Sciences102 | 24 | link | 16 preserved for 1st graders保留大一16名 |
2 | 3352007 | 01 | Research Method |
Victoria Y Chen | 3 3/0/0 |
3 | Required | Wed.4,5,6 | College of Social Sciences227-1 | 55 | link | Not available for students from other departments. |
2 | 3352016 | 01 | Basic Public Speaking (English-taught) |
Hung-Yi Lu | 3 3/0/0 |
3 | Elective | Tue.7,8,9 | College of Social Sciences225 | 20 | link | 全英語授課 |
2 | 3352023 | 01 | Introduction to Advertisting |
Wan-Wen Day | 3 3/0/0 |
3 | Elective | Mon.4,5,6 | College of Social Sciences227-1 | 55 | link | |
2 | 3352032 | 01 | International Communication (English-taught) |
Shih-Chien Chang | 3 3/0/0 |
3 | Elective | Tue.4,5,6 | College of Social Sciences102 | 24 | link | 全英語授課 |
2 | 3352036 | 01 | Video News Production |
Tsung-Lung Tsai | 3 3/0/0 |
3 | Elective | Wed.10,11,12 | College of Social Sciences227-1 | 55 | link | Prerequisite Courses: (3351026)News Writing(taken) |
2 | 3352042 | 01 | Public Relations |
Wan-Wen Day | 3 3/0/0 |
3 | Elective | Wed.10,11,12 | College of Social Sciences227 | 50 | link | |
2 | 3352045 | 01 | Minxiong Studies |
Kuan Chung-hsiang Yu-Chun Yang | 3 3/0/0 |
3 | Elective | Sat.7,8,9 | College of Social Sciences227 | 15 | link | ,Included in Local Languages and Cultural Practice1.上課方式及內容可能視狀況調整,請密切留意相關通知。 2.課程說明會:9/13(五)下午1點於中正大學社科一館R227辦理。為避免對課程進行方式不清楚或誤解,請欲修習本課程者務必出席。未能出席請務必請假,以免影響權益。 3.本課程採密集授課,除課程說明會外,課程時間集中於週六、日(詳每週進度)進行,預定上課地點包含校外(三興村、豐收村、民雄市區、西昌村……等)。 4.中文系、傳播系合開課,不得重複修習。 5.本課程為「重構大學路:認識、認同與共同計畫」一部分,計畫網站: |
2 | 3352046 | 01 | Television Studio Production |
CHENG-LUNG WU | 3 3/0/0 |
3 | Elective | Mon.10,11,12 | College of Social Sciences227-1 | 55 | link | 本課程同「整合新聞製作」,不得重複採計學分 |
2 | 3352052 | 01 | Introduction to Audio Production |
Tu Wei | 3 3/0/0 |
3 | Required | Mon.7,8,9 | College of Social Sciences207 | 50 | link | Not available for students from other departments.本課程同科目編號3351029基礎聲音製作,不得重複採計學分。 |
3 | 3353002 | 01 | Campus Internship (I) |
CHENG-LUNG WU | 4 0/4/0 |
2 | Required | Tue.13,14 Thur.13,14 | College of Social Sciences207 | 50 | link | Prerequisite Courses: (3351026)News Writing(passed) (3352036)Video News Production(passed) (One of which satisfied) |
3 | 3353010 | 01 | Advertising Creative Strategy & Media Planning |
Cheng-Chung Lee | 3 3/0/0 |
3 | Elective | Tue.4,5,6 | College of Social Sciences222 Computer Classroom | 30 | link | ,Included in Creativity Innovation Ingenuity Entrepreneurship Program |
3 | 3353018 | 01 | Popular music, Film & Performance |
Miao-Ju Jian | 3 3/0/0 |
3 | Elective | Tue.7,8,9 | College of Social Sciences102 | 24 | link | Prerequisite Courses: (3352022)Popular Music and Society(taken) Not available for students from other departments. ,Included in Program of Drama, Creativity and Artistic Visions |
3 | 3353022 | 01 | Chinese Film Study |
Tsung-Lung Tsai | 3 3/0/0 |
3 | Elective | Mon.7,8,9 | College of Social Sciences103 | 55 | link | ,Included in Program of Drama, Creativity and Artistic Visions |
3 | 3353024 | 01 | Digital Integrated Media Production Pratice(I) |
CHENG-LUNG WU | 3 3/0/0 |
3 | Required | Thur.4,5,6 | College of Social Sciences207 | 50 | link | Prerequisite Courses: (3351026)News Writing(passed) (3352036)Video News Production(passed) (One of which satisfied) |
3 | 3353029 | 01 | Big Data and Data Mining |
LIU JUNG HUA | 3 3/0/0 |
3 | Elective | Wed.4,5,6 | College of Social Sciences222 Computer Classroom | 30 | link | |
3 | 3353031 | 01 | The Fundamentals of Generative AI And Content Creation |
LIU JUNG HUA | 3 3/0/0 |
3 | Elective | Thur.7,8,9 | College of Social Sciences222 Computer Classroom | 30 | link | |
4 | 3354015 | 01 | Graduation Project (I) |
CHENG-LUNG WU Shih-Chien Chang Tsung-Lung Tsai | 3 3/0/0 |
3 | Elective | Wed.4,5,6 | College of Social Sciences207 | 50 | link | Prerequisite Courses: (3353007)Campus Internship (II)(taken) (3353024)Digital Integrated Media Production Pratice(I)(taken) (3353025)Digital Integrated Media Production Pratice(II)(taken) (3353002)Campus Internship (I)(taken) (All must be satisfied) |
4 | 3354017 | 01 | Media Convergence Production |
CHENG-LUNG WU | 3 3/0/0 |
3 | Elective | Tue.10,11,12 | College of Social Sciences227-1 | 55 | link | Prerequisite Courses: (3353024)Digital Integrated Media Production Pratice(I)(taken) (3353025)Digital Integrated Media Production Pratice(II)(taken) (All must be satisfied) |