CCU Course Lists in Fall Semester of 2024 (Distant-learning courses)

學系 / Department 年級 / Year Standing 科目代碼 / Course ID 班別 / Class 科目名稱 / Course Title 任課教授 / Instructor 時數 / Hours per Week 學分數 / Credit 選必 / Credit Type 星期節次 / Day & Period 教室 / Classroom 限修人數 / Student Limit 授課大綱 / Syllabus 備註 / Remarks
物理學系 / Department of Physics 1 2201015 01 普通物理(一)A / General Physics (I)A 包健華 / Chien-Hua Pao 1 1 必修 / Required 五12 / Fri.12 物理館107 / Physics Building107 55 link 先修科目(2201011)普通物理(一)(曾經修習) (2201021)普通物理(一)(曾經修習) (只要符合任一先修條件) / Prerequisite Courses: (2201011)General Physics (I)(taken) (2201021)General Physics (I)(taken) (One of which satisfied)
物理學系 / Department of Physics 1 2201016 01 普通物理(一)B / General Physics (I)B 包健華 / Chien-Hua Pao 1 1 必修 / Required 五13 / Fri.13 物理館107 / Physics Building107 55 link 先修科目(2201011)普通物理(一)(曾經修習) (2201021)普通物理(一)(曾經修習) (只要符合任一先修條件) / Prerequisite Courses: (2201011)General Physics (I)(taken) (2201021)General Physics (I)(taken) (One of which satisfied)
物理學系 / Department of Physics 1 2201017 01 普通物理(一)C / General Physics (I)C 陳偉家 / Wei-Chia Chen 1 1 必修 / Required 五14 / Fri.14 物理館107 / Physics Building107 55 link 先修科目(2201011)普通物理(一)(曾經修習) (2201021)普通物理(一)(曾經修習) (只要符合任一先修條件) / Prerequisite Courses: (2201011)General Physics (I)(taken) (2201021)General Physics (I)(taken) (One of which satisfied)
地球與環境科學系 / Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences 3 2353019 01 流體力學 / Fluid Mechanics 劉台生 / Tai-Sheng Liou 3 3 選修 / Elective 二13,14,15 / Tue.13,14,15 地震館102 / Seismology Building102 55 link /
資訊工程學系 / Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering 1 4101036 01 智慧計算系統 / Intelligent Computing System 游寶達 / Pao-Ta Yu 1 1 選修 / Elective 三7 / Wed.7 活動中心B1自造基地 / Activity Center B1自造基地 80 link https://ecourse2.ccu.edu.tw/ / https://ecourse2.ccu.edu.tw/
資訊工程學系 / Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering 1 4101037 01 量子基礎數學 / Quantum Fundamental Mathematics 游寶達 / Pao-Ta Yu 1 1 選修 / Elective 三8 / Wed.8 活動中心B1自造基地 / Activity Center B1自造基地 80 link https://ecourse2.ccu.edu.tw/ / https://ecourse2.ccu.edu.tw/
資訊工程學系 / Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering 2 4102001 01 數位電子學 / Electronic Circuits and Electronics 鍾菁哲 / Ching-Che Chung 3 3 必修 / Required 三E,F / Wed.E,F 工學院A館001 / College of Engineering (Building A)001 126 link 限本系生修.限修126人 https://ecourse2.ccu.edu.tw/ / Not available for students from other departments.限修126人 https://ecourse2.ccu.edu.tw/
資訊工程學系 / Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering 2 4102050 01 組合語言 / Assembly Language 陳鵬升 / Peng-Sheng Chen 3 3 選修 / Elective 一C 三C / Mon.C Wed.C 工學院A館001 / College of Engineering (Building A)001 120 link 限本系生修.https://ecourse2.ccu.edu.tw/ / Not available for students from other departments.https://ecourse2.ccu.edu.tw/
資訊工程學系 / Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering 2 4102062 02 資料結構 / Data Structure 薛幼苓 / Yu-Ling Hsueh 3 3 必修 / Required 四E,F / Thur.E,F 創新大樓322 / 創新大樓322 63 link 先修科目(4101005)計算機概論(一)(及格) (4101006)計算機概論(二)(及格) (4101031)程式設計(一)(及格) (4101032)程式設計(二)(及格) (只要符合任一先修條件)限本系生修. ,列入組織工程學程科目 ,列入軟體工程學程科目 ,列入功能性基因體學程科目 ,列入程式設計學程科目 ,列入大數據經濟分析學分學程科目 ,列入金融科技學分學程科目 ,列入人工智慧與電腦審計學程科目限修63人 https://ecourse2.ccu.edu.tw/ / Prerequisite Courses: (4101005)Introduction to Computer Science (I)(passed) (4101006)Introduction to Computer Science (II)(passed) (4101031)Program Design (I)(passed) (4101032)Program Design (II)(passed) (One of which satisfied)Not available for students from other departments. ,Included in Tissue Engineering Program ,Included in Software Engineering Program ,Included in Functional Genomics Program ,Included in Computer Programming Program ,Included in Program of Economic Analysis on Big Data ,Included in Fintech Program ,Included in Artificial Intelligence and Computer Auditing限修63人 https://ecourse2.ccu.edu.tw/
資訊工程學系 / Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering 3 4103001 01 作業系統概論 / Introduction to Operating System 羅習五 / Shi-Wu Lo 3 3 必修 / Required 二E,F / Tue.E,F 創新大樓326 / 創新大樓326 72 link 限本系生修.限修72人 https://ecourse2.ccu.edu.tw/ / Not available for students from other departments.限修72人 https://ecourse2.ccu.edu.tw/
資訊工程學系 / Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering 3 4103022 01 軟體工程 / Software Engineering 熊博安 / Pao-Ann Hsiung 3 3 選修 / Elective 三E,F / Wed.E,F 工學院A館101 / College of Engineering (Building A)101 90 link 限本系生修. ,列入軟體工程學程科目 ,列入程式設計學程科目https://ecourse2.ccu.edu.tw/ / Not available for students from other departments. ,Included in Software Engineering Program ,Included in Computer Programming Programhttps://ecourse2.ccu.edu.tw/
資訊工程學系 / Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering 3 4103055 02 計算機組織 / Computer Organization 張榮貴 / Jung-Kuei Chang 3 3 必修 / Required 二B 四B / Tue.B Thur.B 工學院A館101 / College of Engineering (Building A)101 63 link 限本系生修.限修63人 https://ecourse2.ccu.edu.tw/ / Not available for students from other departments.限修63人 https://ecourse2.ccu.edu.tw/
資訊工程學系 / Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering 4 4104072 01 巨量資料運算導論 / Introduction to Big Data Computing 蘇育生 / Yu-Sheng Su 3 3 選修 / Elective 四C,D / Thur.C,D 創新大樓324 / 創新大樓324 20 link 限本系生修.限修20人,優先給資工系大三及大四選修, https://ecourse2.ccu.edu.tw/ / Not available for students from other departments.限修20人,優先給資工系大三及大四選修, https://ecourse2.ccu.edu.tw/
資訊工程研究所 / Graduate Institute of Computer Science and Information Engineering 1 4105466 01 射頻辨識系統與應用 / RFID System and Applications 熊博安 / Pao-Ann Hsiung 3 3 選修 / Elective 四E,F / Thur.E,F 工學院A館001 / College of Engineering (Building A)001 120 link 開放資工大三、大四選修,遠距教學 / 開放資工大三、大四選修,遠距教學
資訊工程研究所 / Graduate Institute of Computer Science and Information Engineering 1 4105509 01 雲端學習科技 / Cloud E-Learning Technology 游寶達 / Pao-Ta Yu 3 3 選修 / Elective 二C 四C / Tue.C Thur.C 工學院A館001 / College of Engineering (Building A)001 120 link 遠距教學 / 遠距教學
資訊工程研究所 / Graduate Institute of Computer Science and Information Engineering 1 4105567 01 高等數位積體電路設計 / Advanced Digital Integrated Circuits Design 鍾菁哲 / Ching-Che Chung 3 3 選修 / Elective 二E,F / Tue.E,F 創新大樓341 / 創新大樓341 60 link 開放資工大四選修、擋修電機學士班、遠距教學,限修60人。 / 開放資工大四選修、擋修電機學士班、遠距教學,限修60人。
資訊工程研究所 / Graduate Institute of Computer Science and Information Engineering 1 4105813 01 軟體分析與最佳化 / Software Analysis and Optimization 陳鵬升 / Peng-Sheng Chen 3 3 選修 / Elective 二C,D / Tue.C,D 創新大樓322 / 創新大樓322 65 link 開放資工大四選修,遠距教學 / 開放資工大四選修,遠距教學
經濟學系 / Department of Economics 2 5102201 02 總體經濟學(一) / Macroeconomics (I) 吳致謙 / JHIH-CHIAN WU 4 3 必修 / Required 一10,11 三10,11 / Mon.10,11 Wed.10,11 管理學院106 / College of Management106 80 link 先修科目(5101002)經濟學原理(二)(曾經修習) (5101001)經濟學原理(一)(曾經修習) (所有先修條件都必須符合) ,列入管理經濟學程科目 ,列入國際政治經濟學程科目 ,列入國際菁英學分學程科目課程平臺網址:中正 eCourse2 / Prerequisite Courses: (5101002)Principle of Economics (II)(taken) (5101001)Principle of Economics (I)(taken) (All must be satisfied) ,Included in Managerial Economics Program ,Included in Political Economy Program ,Included in Global Elite Program課程平臺網址:中正 eCourse2
成人及繼續教育學系 / Department of Adult and Continuing Education 2 3402906 01 成人教育文案撰寫、設計與表達 / Writing, designing and presentation skills for adult education programs 林安緹 / Lin,An-Ti 2 2 選修 / Elective 三11,12 / Wed.11,12 教育館204 / College of Education204 40 link /
成人及繼續教育研究所 / Graduate Institute of Adult and Continuing Education 1 3407022 01 樂齡人生設計 / Designing Life for Active Aging 魏惠娟 / Hui-Chuan Wei 2 2 選修 / Elective 一8,9 / Mon.8,9 教育二館532 / College of Education (Building 2)532 0 link 碩博選 / 碩博選